January 31, 2010
Thing Two, is Two!
January 28, 2010
My little Girls B-day party
January 19, 2010
My little girl is 4!
January 6, 2010
a picture for you
So its a girl, something about daughters in our family : ) I am sooooo
excited! I love little girl stuff!
I realy wanted a boy, lol, and I know husband did too. We were both
secretly hoping it was a boy during the ultrasound.
The tech said I could go to the bathroom ( I had a very full bladder),
and as I was leaving, she said, "ya I am leaning more towards a girl,
but we will check again". I will be honest my heart sank a little, and
I had to say a prayer to get me excited about it. lol Isn't that
awfull!!! Its not that I didn't want a girl, I just realy, realy
wanted a boy! : )
I think both husband and I didn't know how to react. lol The tech even
said "do you guys already have a little girl?", I said, "yes we have
two.", then she seemed to understand. I feel terrible that it was so
hard to act excited, because I realy am!! On the way home, I got
sooooo excited over having another little girl! I am going to paint
the girls bedroom in pinks. When we had thing 1 we painted the room
multi gender friendly, but now that we will have 3, I figure we might
as well go all girly! And I am going to get a new crib set. Our old
one is multi gender friendly too. hehe
I love little girl stuff, I am so happy!
I have an anterior placenta again, like I did with Kimberly, and that
is why I haven't realy felt the baby move at all. The tech said, that
position for the placenta is actually the best, because it protects
the baby more.
It has all its cute little arms and hands and legs and feet, and the
tech said the heart looked realy good. 148 beats per minute : )
She was realy wiggly too, twisting and turning all over, and her
profile is soooooooooo sweet! I just love it! I love being pregnant,
and I can't wait for this little one to come.
Also, the tech changed my due date to may 4th! I am not believing that one, lol
The measurements all said may 31st though, so it will be sometime in
may. That makes me happy, because I wanted a may baby. They said they
will recheck again to confirm.
Anyway Happy news!!
Love you all!
January 5, 2010
My growing belly
can officially no longer avoid the unwanted comments. lol
O well, its fun!
January 4, 2010
They start to get a little silly after a while
they do poses for me. The first one of thing two, she was laying down,
and it was actually a sideways shot for me, so her eyes ended up not
showing up very well. This silly hand covering the mouth thing though
is a pose of hers (so is the legs up in the air one). lol
Thing 1 gave me mostly (4 year old idea ) proffessional shots, but she
in the end of course had to give me a toungue sticking out one or
more. lol funny kids : )
January 2, 2010
My cute little cousin
christmas presents so I told her I wouldn't post them yet. But now its
after christmas so I can share!! : )
Doesn't she just have the cutest little dimples! And my beautifull
cousin and her boyfriend gave me some cute pictures too. : ) Thanks
for letting me take pictures of your adorable little girl Nicky!!
First Kid portraits 2010
while I dressed thing 1. They ended up looking so cute, I had to get
some pictures!!
Thing 1 is a type 1 energy, according to Carol Tuttles energy
profiling. Sweet, happy, sunshiney, full of love and life type of
energy. Therefore her hairstyle and clothes look best on her if they
match that energy, and I just looooove the dress she is wearing and
that pretty little rose in her hair. Such a princess, I believe. : )
She loves to pose for me, the background is actually our microfiber
couch, I liked the color it had, but then added a couple overlays and
textures to get what I got.
Thing two is a more still energy, and has more finer features and is
just plain sweet. Her idea of posing is a little bit different, lol,
and out of all the shots this was the only one that turned out of her
sitting up and looking and smiling at the camera. The rest were her
laying on the couch with her hair all squished around, and her feet up
in the air. I may just have to share some of the other pictures,
because I still think they were cute, but I was happy to get these two
for some pictures to hang up in my living room.
I am soooooo wishing there wasn't so much snow on the ground, and
hoping for spring and summer to come quickly. I miss the outside
light, and chasing after kids outside with a camera is definately
easier than doing it inside.
I realy wish my basement lighting was set up better, I am hoping maybe
for my birthday coming up, to get some track lighting or something.
That would be fun!
Anyway, I loved the way these turned out, and wanted to share : )
10 elements to consider for composition of a photo.
- Color
- Balance
- Space
- Perspective
- Framing
- Lines /
- Depth of Field /
- Texture
- Symetry
- Pattern /
About Me

- J
- I am a House Wife, living my dreams. I am a wife to my dear sweet husband, and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I love perfection, but rarely is it possible, so I strive for perfection in the process instead.