
All photos are CopyRighted

These photos are a copyright of Picadabee Images
Please do not steal them from my blog :)

July 5, 2009


looks like paint brush strokes!

fire ball?

crazy, I know, but I like it

sea creature, or realy cool star?

pre-grand finale

the only grand finale pic that turned out, I had the same problem Stef, it was to bright for my settings.

Well it was so fun having my first attempt at this. I am so glad I
researched it a little bit first, because I wouldn't have had them
turn out anywhere near this. They aren't anything great or
spectacular, but it was fun to practice and get a feel for it. I ended
up experimenting a little, and see what I mean. I had a
tri-pod, but I had so much fun creating squigly ones, I ended up just
taking it off of the tri-pod for a lot of the show.

1 comment:

  1. Great shots for your first time! And I can't believe this was with a point and shoot! It was fun shooting fireworks!


10 elements to consider for composition of a photo.

  • Color
  • Balance
  • Space
  • Perspective
  • Framing
  • Lines /
  • Depth of Field /
  • Texture
  • Symetry
  • Pattern /

About Me

My photo
I am a House Wife, living my dreams. I am a wife to my dear sweet husband, and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I love perfection, but rarely is it possible, so I strive for perfection in the process instead.