July 31, 2009
more edits
and hang up, so this is what I cam up with. : )
I just changed it to sepia, added contrast, then on some I just put a
foilage stamp, and the other two I just added a white gradient, and
then a vertical line texture to antique it a bit. Now I need to chose
which ones to use! I already printed the foilage stamp ones before I
did the others, but I like all of them. Thats where you and husbands
come in. Which are your favorites?
July 28, 2009
Little boys
little guys were soooo cute in their 4th of July outfits! I am so glad
I had the opportunity to do this. Even though they were wiggly, I
think we still got some fun shots of them. : )
July 27, 2009
wyoming trip
loved getting back into the feel of the wyoming air. The wind rivers
are so beautifull, its places like that, that make me wish I had a
better quality camera, but I am sure I will be there someday. : )
July 20, 2009
July 16, 2009
So fun!!! Gimp brushes that I found
taking a class on learning different techniques and things with
brushes for photoshop. It all looks so fun!
I have Gimp 2 that I have been learning for a little while, and it
doesn't have very many brushes at all. It does a lot of stuff, but I
am sure its not anywhere close to photoshop, but while I am saving up
for a DSLR, Gimp will do. So I decided to see if they had any free
brushes to download for Gimp, and I was pleasantly suprised!
I put a lot on this photo, just for experimenting, so for starters I
found a bunch of water brushes, which made the water spots, then I
found the butterfly ones, and the foilage ones, and also if you look
close by the top right corner, I found one that almost makes it look
like there is a clear layer of plastic being wrinkled on the picture.
I think it was made for a more misty looking picture, but I wanted to
try it anyway.
Someday, I will have the cooler photoshop stuff, but this is pretty fun for now!
You should check out Stefs talent, she is amazing! : )
July 13, 2009
our weekend
I just thought the look on her face was funny. lol
She kept wandering around, didn't realy sit in her seat much, but she sure enjoyed herself. : )
This was her favorite spot to watch the game. She is getting so tall!
She had to check it out from this view too : )
She is going to hate me for this picture when she gets older. lol, poor Kass, kids don't care about wedgies right?
I love that one of her going down the slide all tricky like!
I caught this sunset on our way to the drive in theatre. This picture doesn't do it justice, it was so beautiful, I wish I could have had a different angle, but the only way I caught this was actually when we went up on a hill. The rest of the way you couldn't see it.
My garden!!! Where the stick is, I planted some father beans too!
I enhanced the color on the tomatoe a tiny bit, just so it didn't blend in so much. I am so glad we are getting so much produce!
I believe these are radishes, or carrots, whichever grows faster. I learned a good way to plant them is together, they even eachother out.
these are cucumbers and below them is our lettuce crops which haven't emerged yet.
satureday we had a little bbq with a couple friends. I love
water/summer pictures! The colors are so fun!
Also, my garden in growing so much!
10 elements to consider for composition of a photo.
- Color
- Balance
- Space
- Perspective
- Framing
- Lines /
- Depth of Field /
- Texture
- Symetry
- Pattern /
About Me

- J
- I am a House Wife, living my dreams. I am a wife to my dear sweet husband, and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I love perfection, but rarely is it possible, so I strive for perfection in the process instead.