
All photos are CopyRighted

These photos are a copyright of Picadabee Images
Please do not steal them from my blog :)

December 3, 2009

New ps elements fun stuff!!!!

So I am sooooo stinkin excited to have these!! had a little contest for a give away for the Patti
Brown Gallery Collection of overlays/textures and edges. I didn't win
on there, but I thought it was totally worth it to purchase them
anyway! It is a beautifull collection and if you go to her
Kaleidoscope website (, you can take a look at what she has.
When I first bought it yesterday, I messed up and lost the download
somehow, but she was so nice to help me get the collection on my
computer again, and now I can tell you I will be spending lots of time
editing lots of photos!
I have still yet to figure out how to adjust the opacity of a texture
layer, or put an overlay on without just using the eraser in PS
elements, but I am working on it. Her tutorials on how it works in
regular PS show just how beautifull these overlays can enhance a
photo. So fun!!
Anyway, The first picture is an old picture of my neice that I revived
with the Gallery collection Impressionist edge, and the second one is
my Sister and her husbands picture enhanced with the Dirty watercolor
texture. Aren't they awsome! : )

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10 elements to consider for composition of a photo.

  • Color
  • Balance
  • Space
  • Perspective
  • Framing
  • Lines /
  • Depth of Field /
  • Texture
  • Symetry
  • Pattern /

About Me

My photo
I am a House Wife, living my dreams. I am a wife to my dear sweet husband, and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I love perfection, but rarely is it possible, so I strive for perfection in the process instead.