
All photos are CopyRighted

These photos are a copyright of Picadabee Images
Please do not steal them from my blog :)

May 26, 2011

I love her

Wispy Hair







Those are just some of the things this little girl is made of. 
Bless my heart.

May 18, 2011

Sweet little people

I love spring flowers, they never cease to make my backyard perfect for pictures :)

Oh what a sweet, sweet little baby!!! This is my friends little baby, born at the beginning of April, I loved taking pictures of her. I forget how little and fragile they are when they are newly born, and I was afraid to even pick her up, lol. She is so cute and cuddly!

Beautiful Gwen and her brand new baby :)

my favorite, I just want to squish her!!

already dressing like a princess :) This family was full of boys until she came, and now her mommy gets to enjoy a world full of  frills and flowers and Pink!

I love brand new,wrinkly, peely baby skin, it just shows how young she is, not very old at all

Congratulations Gwen, she is beautiful!!!!

May 10, 2011

Kissy Eyes

My little 5 year old Butterfly (thing 1) took this picture..........I feel I have a future partner on my hands :) 

10 elements to consider for composition of a photo.

  • Color
  • Balance
  • Space
  • Perspective
  • Framing
  • Lines /
  • Depth of Field /
  • Texture
  • Symetry
  • Pattern /

About Me

My photo
I am a House Wife, living my dreams. I am a wife to my dear sweet husband, and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I love perfection, but rarely is it possible, so I strive for perfection in the process instead.