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July 29, 2011

Thing Two and her adorableness/haircut

Some days I just look at my kids, and can't help but say "Oh I love my kids!!". 
And then I continue to smother them in hugs and squishes and kisses, until they start to struggle to get away from their crazy mother, but they never leave without making me feeling like they are the best "things" that have happened to my dear husband and I (well, besides just being married, that's a pretty great thing too. :)

Little miss Thing 2, got a hair cut. From me, I might add. The only drastic hair cut I have ever done on any of my girls or anyone for that matter. Her hair was about 3 inches longer, curly and cute, but just not even, and she was due for a trim. So, about a month or so ago, I got brave and with what little knowledge I have about how to do an A-line cut, I start to snip away! 

I looooove Her profile!!! That little ski-slope nose is THE Best!!

Somehow it turned out great! She loves it, and with her mild natural curl, it works perfectly, all we have to do when her hair gets wet, is brush it all back. It dries and curls on its own, in its own little perfect way. :)

Cute little eyes that melt me, like Chocolate :)

Yesterday it just looked so cute on her, so I snapped a few photos. She is a sweet silly girl, and I just love her!

                          I Love this Kid!!!

10 elements to consider for composition of a photo.

  • Color
  • Balance
  • Space
  • Perspective
  • Framing
  • Lines /
  • Depth of Field /
  • Texture
  • Symetry
  • Pattern /

About Me

My photo
I am a House Wife, living my dreams. I am a wife to my dear sweet husband, and I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I love perfection, but rarely is it possible, so I strive for perfection in the process instead.